These are certainly unprecedented times. So many changes and unknowns are in our future. However, one thing that will not change is the BPA’s dedication to supporting the needs of the students in the GVHS Band Program. As always, it takes a village to fulfill the needs of the band. Volunteer requests will continue to be a part of our communication with our band families. Another priority is to keep our students, staff, and band families safe. New protocols will be put in place to ensure we do everything we can to not only abide by federal, state, county and city ordinances; but also operate in a manner that is consistent with the Grain Valley School District. We will not be screening volunteers; however, we do ask that volunteers consider the following before signing up and/or showing up for a volunteer shift:
Do you have or have you had a fever of 100.4 or higher in the past 72 hours?
Do you have or have you had any symptoms which have been related to COVID-19?
Have you been in direct contact with someone, or caring for someone, with a fever of 100.4 or who have exhibited symptoms which have been related to COVID-19?
ALL VOLUNTEERS will be asked to Check-In, sign a Volunteer Waiver, and Check-Out at our NEW Volunteer Tent (look for the blue pop-up tent with Volunteer Check-In banner) set-up near the Band Barn. Volunteers will receive their assignments at this time: where to go, who to connect with, etc. This new procedure is not only for the protection of the BPA, but also to improve upon on volunteer experience, identify where holes may be in our volunteer coverage, ensure all volunteers are made aware of any current COVID related PPE requirements, and track volunteer hours. HOSPITALITY VOLUNTEERS will be required to wear gloves, in addition to masks. The BPA will provide disposable one-time use gloves and masks for each volunteer shift. Please do not provide your own PPE while volunteering with food service. While masks are mandated by Jackson County, all volunteers will be required to wear a mask. No exceptions. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing a mask, please do not sign up for a volunteer shift. As ordinances and safety precautions change, per the CDC, Jackson County, City of Grain Valley, and the Grain Valley School District, the BPA will adjust its policies accordingly. If you are not able to fulfill your shift, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding the new Volunteer procedures, please contact [email protected]. To see a copy of the Waiver of Liability for Volunteer Participation with Grain Valley Band Parents Association, click here Liability Waiver.